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Next Luncheon Monday November 11, 2024 Holiday Kitchen, Iron Mountain We will meet for lunch at Holiday Kitchen in Iron Mountain at 11:30 a.m., Monday, November 11, 2024. Bert will send a reminder in a week or so. Please let me know by Thursday, November 7, if you plan to attend so we can confirm our reservation. Back to the Big City on September 23, 2024 OK, just Iron Mountain, but biggest city near Norway! Our gang met at Solberg’s (Greenleaf) for our September luncheon. We had a wonderful time; lots of memories remembered and Norway folks and events discussed. Thanks to all attemdees Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Ruth Ann (Massa) Couch, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson We will plan the next lunch for November (before hunting season). Will send details; watch your e-mails or this website. Mid-July Gathering at Knight Owl July 15, 2024 After 63 years, we’re STILL the NHS Seniors of 1961 d our next lunch. We will let you know when and where that will be. There was much discussion of our school days. It's fun remembering. Attendees included Terry "Robert Terry" Backlund, Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Al "Albert" and Chris Carlotto, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ronnie and Shirley DeBernardi, Bert "Bertil John" and Donna "Peterson" Peterson. Report on May 20, 2024 - Luncheon at Knight Owl And we’re gonna do it again in July! The NHS class of 1961 enjoyed a good time and good turnout at the Knight Owl on May 20. Attendees included Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ron DeBernardi, Barb (Guzzonato) Opolka, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Barb (Helmer) Schultz and guest June Schoen, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson Guest June Schoen bakes cookies, and brought treats for all of us. These were large, flower-themed delights, a pleasant surprise. Thanks, June! Seniors of ‘61 Met at Greenleaf on March 18, 2024 Came up with new schedule plan … next luncheon at Knight Owl 5/20 Attendees included Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Ruth Ann (Massa) Couch, Mickey & Judy Dapoz, Karin (Krook) Norman, Karen (Swanson) Salling, and Bert & Donna Peterson We decided to meet every other month on the third Monday. Next one will be Monday, May 20, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. at The Knight Owl in Norway. Bert will send a reminder a couple weeks in advance. NHS Class of ‘61 Leaps into 2024 … Monday Feb 12 … celebrating Groundhog Day a bit late, Valentine’s Day a bit early. We invite you and a guest to jjoin us for the first “senior moment” of 2024. Think about it; we’re almost a quarter of the way through the 21st century! We plan to meet at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, February 12, 2024, at Solberg’s Greenleaf in Iron Mountain. If you want to do something in keeping with the theme du jour, it’ll be Valentine’s week (not Groundhog Day). Bring photos or other memorabilia if you have some you’d like to share with the group. Again, our thanks to Janise Bilski and Carol Zechlin for helping with the reservations and theme. Please let Bert know if you plan to attend so we can make reservations. Members of other classes from our era are welcome, as always. Bring your spouse or sweetheart … but not both! Greenleaf Hosted NHS Class of ‘61 on Sept 25, 2023 … just before the green leaves are starting to turn to red and gold! Our Seniors met once again on the last Monday, at Solberg’s Greenleaf in Iron Mountain. We had fun passing around pictures and swapping memories and lies about the old days! Attendees included Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Ron and Shirley DeBernardi, Karin (Krook) Norman, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Barb (Helmer) Schultz and her guest June Shane, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert & Donna Peterson. Again, thanks to Janise and Carol for helping with eservations and theme. Senior Moment! Class of ‘61 Lunch March 1, 2023 Nice turnout at Greenleaf in Iron Mt despite a bit of winter in the air This bunch of people became seniors in September 1960 … when they began their final year at Norway High School. And they still enjoy getting together a few times a year! This event was no exception … attendees included Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Ruth Ann (Massa) Couch, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ron and Shirley DeBernardi, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson We have an update on classmate Johnny Lovato. He is living in a nursing home in Crystal Falls after surgery; has dementia but is doing well. He has been there for about one year. He does not recognize people but enjoys having visitors. He still loves teasing and joking as he always has. Carol proposed a theme for next meeting -- we bring old photos of days gone by. Watch your e-mail for more details. NHS ‘61 Seniors Invade Mike’s on Main Sept 22, 2022 Had a good time … and had the place to ourselves! Smaller crowd than some of our recent luncheons, but we enjoyed ourselves, and want to thank all who attended: Tom Carlson, Ruth Ann Couch, Mick and Judy Dapoz, Ron and Shirley DeBernardi, Carol Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson. We’ll let you know when we plan to meet again. Wild Ones Met at Knight Owl on Wed Aug 3, 2022 Good turnout, good time. Gotta start thinking about the next one We had a great lunch at The Knight Owl in Norway. Thanks to all who attended. How about we do this again maybe just after mid September? Attending the Aug 3 lunch were: Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ron DeBernardi, Barb (Guzzonato) Opolka, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Barb (Helmer) Schultz & guest Darlene Bertolini, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, and Bert & Donna Peterson. Lunch Bunch Meets at Greenleaf Thurs May 12, 2022 It’s our 61st year as seniors! A good time was had by all. Thank you to all who attended our May 12, 2022, class lunch. And to those who emailed their teacher stories. We had a great time remembering our school days and teachers, and yes, the name “Jolly” was heard several times. And thanks to Joe for providing copies of his book and of his interesting paintings. Ideas for future meetings expressed were: Theme for next time possibility “Things we did that our parents never knew about.” Venue for next meeting: Big 10 Bar in Quinnesec, Knight Owl in Norway, Holiday Kitchen in Iron Mountain, or Thirsty Whale in Norway. Your further suggestions are welcomed. If you are going to be in the area this summer, please let us know. Attending our lunch were: Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Karen (Krook) Norman, Bert and Donna (Peterson) Peterson, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Barb (Helmer) Schultz and her guest Darlene Bertolini, and Carol (Brisson) Zechlin. Norway Seniors Take Over Iron Mountain Bar Feb 17 1961 was our FIRST senior year … now they are ALL senior years! Thank you all who attended our lunch at Greenleaf’x. And special thanks to Janise (Vivio) Bilski and Carol (Brisson) Zechlin for helping with the arrangements. We had a great time. And thanks to Carol for her theme suggestion of “high school days” stories. Some of us even revealed secrets from our school days (blush, blush). Al Carlotto sent his story by email, and we read it aloud. Thanks Al! We’ll be trying another theme next lunch. Be sure to watch your e- mail for an announcemente; also check Below is a picture of our group. Clockwise from bottom left: Shirley De Bernardi, Ron de Bernardi, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Karin (Krook) Norman, Barb (Guzzanato) Opolka, Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Barb (Helmer) Schultz, Mickey Dapoz, Judy Dapoz, Bert Peterson, Donna Peterson, Darlene Bertolini (Barb Schultz’ guest), and Karen (Swanson) Salling (click photo to enlarge) 2020 Vision: Classmates Met for Lunch in Big City Took our party on the road … Greenleaf Bar & Grill, Iron Mt, 1/29/20 Thanks to all who made this winter day a bit brighter! Attending were (clockwise from lower left in photo below): Lee & Margie Meneghini, Bert & Donna Peterson, Mickey & Judy Dapoz, Darlene & John Lovato, Ron & Shirley Debernardi, Janice (Vivio) Bilski, Shirley (Jansen) Clarke, and Karen (Swanson) Salling. (click photo to enlarge image) We Did It Again: Oak Crest Thurs Aug 22, 2019 Thanks to all who attended. We had a great time … we always do! Attending were: Tom & Colleen Carlson, Mike & Judy Dapoz, John Lovato, Lee Meneghini, Barb (Guzzonato) Opolka, Darlene (Larson) Peebles, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, and Bert & Donna Peterson. Dennis Anderson, class of ‘62, dropped by on his way to golf. Youngsters are always welcome, whether from classes behind us or ahead of us. The Scoop on Lunch at Mike’s, Thurs June 2019 Seniors for 58 years and counting; a good time was had by all Here’s the list of attendees at today’s lunch. Ron and Shirley DeBernardi, John Lovato, Lee Meneghini, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson. Seniors of ‘61 Lunch, Norway Senior Center 4/29/19 Change of venue … also in day of week … it was a MONDAY! A youngster suggested that we hold a class luncheon at the Norway Senior Citizens Center. Shirley DeBernardi told us that some other classes have been having their lunches there (we can look old so we fake being seniors). Seemed like a good idea, so we gave it a try. Had a great time; food was excellent, and the volunteer staff was friendly and helpful. Thanks to Shirley DeBernardi for the suggestion! Attending were Marie (Flessati) and Bob Belanger, Tom Carlson, Ron DeBernardi, Karin (Krook) Norman, John Lovato, Bert and Donna Peterson, and Karen (Swanson) Salling. Lunch Report - Fun & Games - Sept 20, 2018 Mike’s on Main, 11:30 … guests welcome, as usual During our lunch we worked on a trivia question, devised by Ken and Bert. It is a list of many nicknames of teachers and students who were in high school at least one year that we were there (Class of 1958 through about 1964). You fill in their real names. CLICK HERE TO VIEW / PRINT LIST Attending were: Terry and Kay Backlund, Tom Carlson, John Lovato, Lee Meneghini, Karen (Krook) Norman, Bert Peterson. We are thinking of having the next get-together in early December. If any of you out-of-towners are going to be in the area before then and would like to have a lunch or even a coffee, let Bert know, and we'll call a special one. Record Crowd Attends Class Lunch Wed May 23 Our classmates are still so active, it’s hard to get ‘em togther! The class luncheon on Wednesday, May 23 was held at the Big Ten in Quinnesec. Bert reports that attendees included himself and his wife, Donna, and Karen Salling. That’s the smallest turnout yet … Bert says he really knows how to pick dates, and will try again, maybe in July, but won’t pick a date too close to the holiday weekend! Spring Fling Lunch Held at Mike’s on Main Mar 28 We’re still the “Seniors of NHS 1961” We enjoyed conversations and friendship at our class lunch once again. Attending were: Terry Backlund, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ron and Shirley DeBernardi, Dick and Rose Mary DeRidder, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Bert and Donna Peterson. Bert distributed an updated booklet with pictures as a tribute to our deceased classmates. Let him know if you want one mailed to you. We discussed a number of folks who were classmates for a while and who later dropped out or moved away. Believe it or not, the list is up to 25 names. List is available if you want to have one. Lunch Bunch Gathers Again Oct 25, 2017 Fall brings cool temps … and get-together brings cool people! Thanks all for attending our lunch. We had a very good turnout and had lots of fun. There was even a suggestion of having a class dance party this winter. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Classmates who enjoyed our time today included Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Tom Carlson, Ruth (Massa) Couch, John Lovato, Lee and Margie Meneghini, Karin (Krook) Norman, Darlene (Larson) Peebles, Glen and Eeva Peroceschi, Bert and Donna Peterson, Karen (Swanson) Salling, and Carol (Brisson) Zechlin We were fortunate to have guests from the years before and after us: From 1960 -- John and Mary Kimichik From 1962 -- Bill Dolan and Charlie Yonts Midsummer Luncheon Wednesday July 19 at Mike’s Feels like high school all over again … we’re still seniors! We enjoyed another get-together at Mike’s. While chatting, we passed around some new and old photos: a studio picture of Bonnie
Remember way back when? Here are some links to take you back in time. Music, history, and predictions for the future ... enjoy! Music by Year 1961 Jukebox 1961 Wikipedia 1961 History 1961 Future Cars We Drove (or dreamed of) Joey Gee and the Bluetones - 2008 Patsy Cline Lip-Sync: “She’s Got You” (may take a few moments to load, but it’s definitely worth the wait!)
700 Block Main Street Spring Trilliums Fall Colors Piers Gorge
High School  Norway Class of nineteen hundred sixty one
Mugs, caps, shirts, and a few other items available with NHS 1961 designs;see NOTES page via the tab in the navigation bar, above.
See 50th Reunion AND 50+ Picnics pages for our “senior” adventures!
This site will stay online so we’ll be able to notify you of any upcoming events, and to post photos, etc. as we receive them.. For now, if you want to contact someone about anything related to the NHS Class of 1961, you can e-mail Bert ... For anything related to this website, contact Kenny ...
Where it started for many of us ... McKinley School. It’s no longer standing, but we are!
Get-together at Big 10 in Quinnesec Wed Oct 5, 2016 The “lunch bunch” enjoyed another chance to swap stories, etc. We had a great time at our lunch today. Thanks to all for attending or sending your greetings. Bert relayed greetings from those who could not attend. Also, thanks from Barb (Helmer) Schultz for your thoughts, prayers, and flowers. She is doing well, and that is certainly great news. Good looking group below. Thanks to Shirley DeB. for taking the alternate picture so you can see all of us in attendance. CLICK PIX TO ENLARGE Clockwise from lower left: Shirley DeBernardi (right pic only), John Lovato, Bert Peterson (left pic only), Donna Peterson, Carol Zechlin, Karen Salling, Karin Norman, Janise Bilski, Marie Belanger, and Bob Belanger. Luncheon Held At Oak Crest Wed March 30, 2016 “A class with true class!” Attended by 12 old Vikings, some spouses. We tried a new location for our lunch adventure, and it worked out well. Oak Crest was ready for us with good food and service (thanks, Kendra!), and it’s certainly a place we’ll visit again. We’re including two pix, because ONE person was missing from each (took turns with camera). Attending, clockwise from left, were: Shirley DeBernardi (missing on right pic, Ron DeBernardi, Lee Meneghini, Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Bert Peterson (missing on left pic) John Lovato, Bob Belanger, Marie (Flessati) Belanger, Terry Backlund, Kay Backlund (hidden in left pic), Judy Dapoz (hidden in left pic), Mike Dapoz, and Carol (Brisson) Zechlin. Click on photos to see larger view! Knight Owl Adventure - Wednesday Jan 20, 2016 Thank you to all the classmates who braved the winter and joined us for lunch at the Knight Owl. And an extra thank you for your good-natured patience with the looooooooooong waits for service. You are a class with Real Class. And thanks to you who helped with the coffee and offered to train for a wait-staff job. In spite of it all, we seemed to have a good time. Ronnie shared some great pictures of deer and bear. Bert routed photos of Joe Giannunzio's latest paintings. We discussed the upcoming Norway125 celebration (125 Anniversary). It is the weekend before Independence Day. We should get together then for our 55th reunion. Maybe something informal because of all the other activities going on? Maybe a breakfast, brunch, or afternoon activity? Ideas???? And maybe Margie Meneghini will dust off her Diamond Jubilee crown to reign again as queen? Attending were: Terry Backlund, Marie (Flessati) and Bob Belanger, Ruth (Massa) Couch, Mickey and Judy Dapoz, Ron DeBernardi, Lee and Margie Meneghini, Darlene (Larson) Peebles, Bert and Donna Peterson, Karen (Swanson) Salling. Classes of ‘61, 62, 64 Represented Sept 10, 2015 A nice turnout of NHS grads and guests turned out at Mike’s on Main for our Sept 10th get-together. We’re hoping to alternate the lunches around to various other Norway venues, like Norway Mountain (when and if they open for lunch), golf course (doubt they are open for lunch), and perhaps the Knight Owl. Here are the attendees in no particular order (were they out of order?). Lois (Beckstrom) Zember '61, Ruth (Massa) Couch '61, Don Wash '61, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin '61, Mickey '61 and Judy Dapoz, Terry Backlund '61, Karin (Krook) Norman '61, Tom Carlson '61, Bert '61 and Donna Peterson . Guests from other classes: Francis Wash '62, Pam (Wollum) Schram '62, Charlie Yonts '62, Art Marcell '62, GeorgeAnn and Dan VanWolvelaere (both '62), Janice (Erickson) Lenes '62, and Dick Lenes, Shirley (Morosini) DeBernardi '62, and Jim Wash '64 December 11, 2014 Get-Together Santa wasn’t there, but a bunch of his elves showed up! We had a great turnout considering the time of year, and with everyone busy with Christmas. There were thirteen of us. Standing from left: Bert Peterson, Mike Dapoz, Judy Dapoz, John Lovato, Carol (Brisson) Zechlin, Barb (Helmer) Schultz, Tom Carlson, and Bob Belanger. (click photo to enlarge view) Seated from left: Donna Peterson, Bonnie (Trepanier) Gurgall, Marie (Flessati) Belanger, Shirley DeBernardi, and Ron DeBernardi. Al Carlotto sends his love to all. He stopped by before the lunch. He and Chris have sold their hunting camp and were busy getting it ready for the transfer of ownership. Carol (Brisson) Zechlin mentioned our Norway museum veterans’ videotaping project and asked for ideas in helping getting some of the work done and funded. Contact Carol with ideas or for more details. Barb (Helmer) Schultz provided a neat picture from our elementary school days ... it’s on our Classmates page, with urchins identified. Oct 21, 2014 - Lunch Bunch Represented 3 Classes We don’t have a group photo, but we can tell you who was there ... '60 John "Kimo" and Mary Kimichik '61 Mike and Judy Dapoz, Terry Backlund, Nancy (Banfield) and Luke Le Boeuf, Glen and Eeva Peroceschi, Darlene (Larson) Peebles, Shirley (Jansen) Clarke, Janise (Vivio) Bilski, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Marie (Flessati) and Bob Belanger, and Bert and Donna Peterson '62 Francis Wash and Charlie Yonts July 17 Lunch Draws Almost 30 from NHS Classes of 1961-62 Initial reports indicate noisy crowd, but no arrests reported We’re waiting for more information from several eyewitnesses, but a good mix of classmates from ‘61 & ‘62 whooped it up July 17, 2014 Click the photo to enlarge the image Back Row L-R: Bert Peterson, Mike Hewlett, Barb (Helmer) Schultz, Frank Outcalt, Karin (Krook) Norman, Lee Meneghini (partially hidden), Alan Sebrechts, Terry Backlund, Dan Van Wolvelaere, Art Marcell, Bob Belanger. Middle Row L-R: Don Wash, Karen (Swanson) Salling, Mary Lou (Morosini) Outcalt, Darlene (Larson) Peebles, Francis Wash, Georgeann (DeRidder), Van Wolveleare, Shirley (Jansen) Clarke, Karen (Zadra) Justus, Tom Carlson. Front Row L-R: Donna Peterson, Bonnie (Trepanier) Gurgall, Ruth Ann (Massa) Crouch, Marie (Flessati) Belanger, Shirley (Morosini) DeBernardi, and (kneeling) Carol (Brisson) Zechlin. Not Pictured: Margie (Bal) Meneghini, Charlie Yonts, Becky Sebrechts. “Birthday” Picnic, July 20, 2013 (see 50+ picnics page) More than 70 people near, at, or past 70th birthday kick up their heels! The Norway High School classes of 1960, 1961, and 1962 gathered at Lake Antoine for an afternoon and evening of conversation, food, music, laughs, and surprises. About eighty people attended, and it was a most enjoyable adventure. If you’d suggested to any of us fifty plus years ago that we’d have this much fun at a picnic in 2013, I don’t think any of us would have believed it for a minute. But it happened, and it was great! Here’s a taste of what you missed ... “Old Time Rock and Roll!” You could call this “Art in the Park!” We also got to hear Johnny & Kenny sing “Hard to be Humble.” Some may have even enjoyed that! It was a real treat to see not only our own classmates, but friends from the other classes who shared our NHS years. Hope this starts a trend toward multi-year gatherings! More info & photos on the “50+ Picnics” page ... click button in top bar. To all who attended, it was great to see you! To Darlene and others who helped make this picnic happen, THANK YOU!!!
© 2010-24 Ken Anderson